Well,just watched Twilight today with Caier.Overall the movie was not bad.y "nt bad" instead of great?Maybe because some of the scenes I had already viewed it at the youtube before,thus,was no more interesting compare to a first timer who see the movie as well.
I loved the baseball scene and the part when Edward Cullen whole body was glittering under the sun.That's BEAUTIFUL.Although it was a 2 hrs movie but I just felt not enough.Y? Coz the book had more info than the movie.And I felt that those who didnt read the book may wondered wad the movie was talking about at some part.For me,the book is way better.No offence,just my opinion.The movie was really nt bad =D
I really hope to buy the second twilight book "New Moon".But from wad I know now,the book is currently
Stock at most bookstores.Haish.Sadded.
I had actually went Malaysia to buy the 2nd book,but it was OFS!Came bac to S'pore,POPULAR bookstores and some stores i asked were also OFS! HAISH.
THEREFORE,anybody who had new moon book or knew any place that sell this book,pls do tell me or inform me at my tagboard.I will be very very thankful =D
P.S. OFS is out of stock if u still dont know.